3.2 Pattern categories
This work is structured around the following categories of patterns, starting with two building block categories:
Communication patterns (chapter 4) shows options for communicating between components and the outer world
Decomposition patterns (chapter 5) shows common options on how to deal with shared functionality
These patterns are then used to achieve the following quality attributes:
Scalability patterns (chapter 6) shows how to scale and manage scalable systems
Resilience and reliability patterns (chapter 7) addresses the need for handling inevitable network, software or hardware failures
Performance and latency patterns (chapter 8) shows how to solve common performance or latency issues arrising in scaled or distributed systems
Security patterns (chapter 9) shows security practices that can be supported by the architecture of the system
Consistency patterns (chapter 10) details how to manage transactions when communicating between services
- Migration and compatibility patterns (chapter 11) shows patterns useful for managing legacy or external systems
Patterns were distributed by their primary intent but may belong to multiple categories secondarily. This is detailed at the start of each chapter.