Distributed Application Architecture Patterns

1.4 Pattern construction

The following structure was chosen for the individual patterns. While it is inspired by the structures used in the existing literature § 1.2, they are inconsistent.

Due to the educational nature of this work, this structure is designed for readers new to the topic. It is based on the author’s experience from trying to understand these works and aims to solve the issues encountered, such as missing summaries, motivation for the pattern being buried in the text or overlapping section concerns.

Name and summary
The name of the pattern based on the process in § 1.3 and as short as possible summary of the pattern to prime the reader for the content.
A summary of all sources and specific patterns this pattern is based on to show why this pattern is relevant, why it is included, and how it relates to existing patterns.
What problems this pattern solves and what the prerequisites are for its application.
An overview of how the pattern works, how to apply it and a visualisation of the pattern based on the design process in § 2.5
Potential issues
Since each pattern has its trade-offs, these are defined directly after the solution to highlight the potential problems and challenges that might arise from applying the pattern.
An example of the application to give the reader a more graspable understanding of the pattern, based on the system defined in § 3.4.
Related patterns
What other patterns are related to this one, and why. This section is used to explain differences between similar patterns and to provide a path for further reading.
Further reading
Any additional sources that might be useful to better understand the pattern.