Since KMonad does not have a Fedora package, I was reluctant to try it out. However, it is much simpler than I thought, although it does have a few quirks, so I decided to write a short guide.



The easiest1 way is to download the binary from the releases page, mark it as executable and put it into ~/.local/bin.

From source

I used stack for this, but you might prefer to use Docker instead.

git clone
cd kmonad
toolbox create kmonad
toolbox enter kmonad
sudo dnf install stack
stack install

This will install KMonad into ~/.local/bin. It does not need to be installed system-wide.


To run KMonad, you will also need to configure some necessary permissions.

First, add the udev rule for UInput, e.g. in /etc/udev/rules.d/90-kmonad.rules:

KERNEL=="uinput", MODE="0660", GROUP="uinput", OPTIONS+="static_node=uinput"

A Silverblue-specific workaround is needed to be able to add the user to the required groups.

grep -E '^uinput:' /usr/lib/group >> /etc/group
grep -E '^input:' /usr/lib/group >> /etc/group
systemctl reboot

Then, add the user to the uinput and input groups:

sudo usermod -aG uinput $USER
sudo usermod -aG input $USER

Log out and log back in, and you should be able to run kmonad.


There is a systemd service available in the repo.

If you want an easier way to control it, I wrote an extension for integrating it into GNOME Shell.

Get it on GNOME Extensions

  1. When first writing this guide, I somehow completely missed this option. Sorry for that!